Reasons for terminating the accreditation of a foreign representative office (branch):
- Foreign legal entity resolution of terminating the operations of the foreign representative office (branch) in the territory of the Russian Federation;
- Termination of the operations of a foreign legal entity in the country of registration;
- Resolution of the federal executive authority authorized to accredit foreign representative offices (branches) by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Please note!
The most common case of terminating the foreign company representative office (branch) activity is termination pursuant to the resolution of the foreign legal entity. The resolution of the foreign legal entity is to be submitted to the authorized tax authority within fifteen calendar days after such resolution is adopted.
Winding Up Procedure:
The representative office (branch) of a foreign company may be wound up by withdrawing its accreditation and excluding it from the respective consolidated state register of representative offices (branches) of foreign legal entities accredited in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Since January 1, 2015, this register is maintained by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.
However, accreditation withdrawal is not the only procedure to be held to close a representative office (branch). The representative office (branch) of a foreign company is to be deregistered in the funds, such as the medical fund, the social insurance fund and the pension fund of the Russian Federation, and in the State Statistics Agency.
What we do:
- We prepare a package of documents for winding up a representative office (branch).
- We notify the accrediting body of the resolution to wind up the representative office (branch) and receive notices of excluding the representative office (branch) from the consolidated state register of representative offices (branches) of foreign legal entities.
- We deregister the representative office (branch) with non-budgetary funds.
- We deregister the representative office (branch) with the State Statistical Authorities.
Please note!
If by the time the representative office (branch) is wound up, it has taxes and duties payable, as well as fines and penalties due it is necessary to pay them. Otherwise, a representative office (branch) cannot be deregistered.
- It takes the FLC employees three business days to prepare a package of documents to be submitted to wind up a representative office (branch).
- It may take up to 3 – 4 months for the tax authority to deregister the accredited representative office (branch), if the accredited representative office (branch) is subject to an in-house audit.
- As a rule, it is deregistered with the non-budgetary funds (the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund) within 2 – 3 weeks.